Monday, October 6, 2008

Biopsy Results

So, my liver Doctor called today. I really should learn his name, but he says it so quick that I don't like to ask him to repeat it! He has the preliminary results for my biopsy. It's a hepatitis of some sort but not one of the regular ones as I've already been tested for those already. Apparently there are a gazillion types of hepatitis's (or should that be hepatitisi?) I thought there was just A,B and C, so what do they do after they get to Z? And it's almost absolutely positively likely to be a reaction to the drug (Gleevec)

- It's not likely to be a virus
- It's not likely to be my body attacking my liver (now that would be just mean bullying behaviour and I would not be happy with my body if it was doing that!)
- and it's not likely to be caused by the CML

The Doctor expects that the liver enzymes will go down though he is surprised that they haven't already. He has signed me up for a thorough liver enzyme check on Thursday 9th. This just involves the Vampires taking some extra blood on that day and he says if they don't work out what's wrong soon then they will really "have to scratch their heads"!!

And this is what the liver expert says! Comforting isn't it?

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